Poisonous plants

Poisonous Plants resources collection at Melissa Kaplan's Site.

I know of two sources for lists of poisonous plants:

<A HREF="http://www.sonic.net/~melissk/frame.html">Melissa Kaplan's Herp Pages

include a comprehensive poisonous plant list.</A>

The San Diego Turtle and Tortoise Society has published a number

of care sheets. To get any of them, mail a self-addressed, stamped

(88 cents), legal size enveloped mentioning which sheet you want to:

San Diego Turtle and Tortoise Society

P.O. Box 712514

Santee, CA 92072-2514.

Some of the care sheets available are listed below,

but they have more. These care sheets are highly recommended:

050 Sprouting for Tortoises

052 Tortoise First Aid Kit

066 Food Nutrition

070 Plants that Poison

080 Terrarium Construction Plans